The 1st of April 2021 was the second day of an online workshop that Quarantine delivered looking at processes of mapping and modelling. Many of our recent works have looked under the surface of place, in Tenancy and Between us we know everything, for example. Right now, we’re working on three artistic projects – Ark, The people of, and 12 Last Songs – all of which involve mapping or testing models for society.
The workshop started with a talk at 12.30pm on the 30th March and ended with a stream of questions at 3.30pm on the 1st April.
In between these times/dates, we listened to a former doctor talk about systems inside the body, things that we take for granted, things that just happen, and only when they go wrong do we acknowledge. There were numerous phone calls between two people describing, in as much detail as possible, what they could see out of their window. There was a taxonomy of stuff, undertaken in various streets around the UK and Europe, including a taxonomy of snickets, front gates, good mornings, bubblegum, hats, circles whilst walking in a circle, Oliander plants in gardens, neighbourhood cats, and things that have gone their own way. And we listened as a philosopher spoke about how the outside affects how we see ourselves.
Another task was to catalogue the room we were in. How long the thing had been in situ in the room dictated the order. This was my catalogue:
Skirting boards, now painted white, coving and a ceiling rose.
Window frame, wonky walls. Now painted blue.
The radiator, but not the copper pipe.
The wooden floor, but not the draft strips or the home mixed wax.
The picture rails. White.
The fish tank and Morecombe and Wise (the fish), the faux silk flowers in the tank.
Shelf in the fireplace. It is dented.
The copper pipe.
A marble-based lamp I got from Clas Ohlsen in the closing down sale. The bulb was smashed and replaced.
An old Singer sewing machine I got for my birthday.
A wicker picnic basket I got for another birthday that has my dog’s toys in it. He lifts the lid with his nose.
Bricks that were bought for an art project by two Polish artists visiting Manchester. They now line the bottom of the fireplace and are painted white.
The lamp that is half in one room, half in the other. The base was bought in an antiques shop in Prestwich that is now a travel agents. A dog sometimes sits in the window there.
An Ikea glass cabinet that contains glass I inherited from my Grandma.
There is alcohol at the bottom. I won’t catalogue this separately.
The dining table I am sitting at, given to me by my auntie. I plan to paint the bottom of it.
Ercol wooden chairs x4 from eBay.
White IKEA cabinets that flank the bench I am sitting on.
The TV stand I made into the bench I am sitting on. My dog scratched the top, so I bought a blanket to cover it over.
The plates hung from the picture rail. I won’t catalogue these separately.
The floor cushion I bought in Marrakesh that my friend brought home in her suitcase because it wouldn’t fit in mine.
A wool rug from that went into the sale not long after I bought it.
A record player bought for me by my sister and the small cupboard it sits on. It has sliding doors.
A crochet cactus from a garden centre in Norwich and a coaster I bought in Marrakesh for someone else but kept.
A gold tray with a pattern engraved on it.
An orange vase that is shaped like a pumpkin with purple flowers in it that I bought myself from Aldi.
A black plastic tissue case shaped like a house. The tissue is supposed to look like smoke coming out of the chimney.
Ted’s toy lion and its stuffing.
My slippers, which I got for Christmas.
The teacup I got from Wilko. Computer, notebooks, pen, hand cream.
Written by Kate Daley