Would Like to Meet

Man wearing all black on dance floor of studio. Laid on his back with knees raised, eyes closed. Woman in pink jumper kneeling in background, head on knees arms stretched out front.

“I never imagined having such an opportunity to reflect as an artist at this point in my life… to cast myself back 20 years, and also somehow, forward 20 years… The residency was like a tidal water mark… I sense in a few years time I will be able to trace decisions, senses and feelings back to it”
– Would Like to Meet artist, 2023

Would Like to Meet (WLTM) is an artist exchange residency for artists who are generations apart but interested in bringing their practices together. Hosted and supported by Quarantine, it invites pairs of artists with a twenty-year minimum age gap to come together, to spend a week framed by the provocation ‘what questions do you have for each other?’. WLTM aims to facilitate intergenerational collaboration and create opportunities for artists to learn from one another, regardless of where they are at in their professional development, in recognition that it’s not only emerging artists that have questions or want to develop their practice. The invitation is to spend a week together in a determinedly open-ended way, engaging in conversation and shared experiences without the need to produce anything as a result. 

We hosted the first version of WLTM in November/December 2022. We had a significant number of applications and from these curated four pairs.

You can read more about them and follow their social media here. The group spanned a mix of ages – from their early 20s to late 60s – and artforms, including DJing, visual art, performance, choreography, poetry, and Islamic illumination. At the end of each residency, we invited the artists to reflect on their week together. The videos, which you can view via the Documentation tab, are a small insight into what each pair explored, what they found out about their practice, each other and themselves, and what’s next.

We hope to run WLTM again. Sign up for our Qmail newsletter or follow us on social media to hear more about this when it happens.